Generational Wealth and Poverty

We are doing a series of posts on what the Bible says about living justly.  We have talked about all humanity bearing the image of God and being given the dignity of work and the gift of rest.  We have also talked about the accumulation of wealth and causes of...

What Causes Poverty?

One current controversy in our nation is about what causes poverty.  Who is to blame? This is a controversy which divides everyone, both Christians and non-Christians. . Some people think poverty is caused by an individual’s failure to behave responsibly.  This is...

Work and Accumulation of Wealth

We are doing a series of posts on what the Bible says about living justly.  We have talked about all humanity bearing the image of God and being given the dignity of work and the gift of rest.  In this post we will build on these ideas and discuss what the Scriptures...

Work and Rest – Part 2

I am writing a series of posts on the subject of “living justly” as Christians.  I am in the middle of a discussion of Work and Rest, the observation of the Sabbath in Israelite culture, and its ramifications for living justly.  In my last post, I wrote about “labor...

Work and Rest – Part 1

I am writing a series of posts on the subject of “living justly” as Christians.  My thinking about living justly has been formed from thirteen years of leading a Bible study with college women entitled “Money, Possessions and Charity,”  inspired by Craig Blomburg’s...

Getting Our American History Straight

Before I write any further about living justly, I want to take the time to post some resources on American history. I know it is a bit of a trend to post these types of resources, but Ruth and I would like to add some of our own suggestions to your (hopefully growing)...